Realtime Django Part 7: Build a Chat application RabbitMQ and Django channels (Extras)
ASGI (The Backbone of Django channels) has gained official support in Django 3.0 and 3.1 makes it even better with full support for async views.
ASGI (The Backbone of Django channels) has gained official support in Django 3.0 and 3.1 makes it even better with full support for async views.
You’re probably here because you’ve stumbled upon a problem with Celery chords. The Chord callback function isn’t executed if one of the tasks in the Chord’s body fails.
Go or “gOlAnG” (It just sounds weird when people call it GoLang. Imagine calling Python
Pythonlang or JavaScript
This part is going to be about improving the Chat application, I might not take my time to explain some things but if there’s anything that’s not clear enough; Feel free to ask a question.
Welcome to the penultimate part of this tutorial. I’ve really learnt a lot writing this tutorial and i hope you have too.
In part 3, we saw how we could Leverage django rest framework to build an API for our chat app, In this part we’re going to build the Chat UI and connect it to the API
we built earlier. At the end of the part we should have a complete chat application with a URL that we can share to friends we want to chat with.
From the last part, we used djoser
to build the authentication backend and then we connected the frontend Vue.js application to it.
We’re going to kick off chatire by Implementing User Management and Authentication so users can create accounts and login.
The main goal of this tutorial is to teach you about WebSockets and how you can integrate them with your django application(s).
This is the last part of the series, we're finally going to deploy the application so it can be visible to the whole world.
Believe it or not, writing tests can help you structure your application properly which eventually leads to better code. Some developers even advise others developers to write tests before the main program, as it helps you envision how your functions/methods are going to look and work before you start writing the main program.
Let's think of our web application as a hotel, you have customers that stay in the hotel and order food from the hotel's restaurant. Let's also assume that we have only 3 cooks and numerous "room service staff"
Basically, a flask blueprint is a way for you to organize your flask application into smaller and re-usable applications Just like a normal flask application, a blueprint defines a collection of views, templates and static assets.
Welcome to part 7 of this series, in this part we’re going to build an admin dashboard for our application which would provide basic CRUD
functionality for the models in our database.
In this part, we’re going to be connecting our React front-end with the REST api we created previously, basically we’ll make a request to the server and then our api responds with a json result, and then we use the received data to update the DOM if the request was successful or tell the user that something went wrong.